Sunday, 20 February 2011

Interactive space, just doing abit of extra reading and thinking...

Well ive found a sheet with twelve principles of effective design, it says what to avoid but thats what to go through once ive got my ideas.

number 1: Define your criteria and strategies for success:
The Hire me Portfolio: Well every person wants to be hired including me and a well working website is certainly going to help me get there. I just need to make sure it shows all my best work prominently and maybe a few other pieces to show me and progression not so prominent.
The Sales Generation Portfolio: Websites can sell who you are, make them want to buy an idea if i make an amazing idea etc.
A Reputation building Portfolio: A good reputation can get someone from the bottom to the top, the more you do good jobs for people the better you can expand. This can mean you always have something to do for someone as they know they can rely on you.
The Networking Portfolio: This means more people see your work through reccomendations and this means you can branch your business out. Also finding new people to work with always gives you better experience in the field.

Number 2: Consider using multiple portfolio's:
This is to maybe show off different outlets of work or show your work to different communities. This might help me if im applying to a certain company as this shows dedication and you want the job. However for now as I'm not a professional and just starting out i think ill just stick with one.

Number 3: Target Your Market:
I really need to decide my style and who i am trying to aim my work at.

Number 4: Usability the top priority:
Navigation: this is what can let anyone down, all i have to do is learn it all right i hope. this is more doing wrong than what i need to do right.

Number 5: Utilize technology:
Dont use technology your not trying to promote. Make it easy to update your website as you can update it more often.

Number 6: plan everything out.
Make sure i have enough time for everything i want to do.

Number 7: narrow down my best work.
This wont be hard as i dont have much but ill have to make sure i keep updating my website when i have better work.

Number 8: Provide Adequate Contact Information, Documentation, and Explanations:
confidently state everything i did like im coding my website but if i have someone else do something state that. Also do this through case studies. When i can get references from work ive done use them.

Number 9: Present work within the confine of my goals:
Make sure my design doesnt over power my work, my work should always be confident and shown off. Make it stand out, definitley from other peoples.

Number 10: Infuse your personality into my design:
I have to make sure people know this is my work, make my profile look like my profile so people are sure its my work and they remember it. Also make it stand out.

Number 11: Promote my portfolio:
Whats the point in having a portfolio ive worked so hard on if its not going to be seen? there isnt. Include my portfolio on any website/community i use.

Number 12: My long term goals:
as it says on the work sheet
"Putting it all together: a successful portfolio finds that perfect blend of your
personality, prominence of work, simplicity, and ease of use that makes your portfolio
stand out from the crowd and achieve your goals."
Looking towards the future always keep this in mind to show where you want to go and so you keep going and keep up with the times.

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