Treatment for Ticket......
Title of Short Film: Ticket
Outline of Ideas: A short film with two characters exploring relationships/interaction/communication. Aim to make the camera work/editing of a high skill exploring a variety of techniques. So the group can reflect skills with camera work. To carry out the same high skill with sound editing and creative ideas. Idea to incorporate the public into the film to give it a sense of VERISIMILITUDE. We will be filming outside Victoria bus station maybe on a bench. Also may change script slightly. Because the film will be around three minutes we are aiming to carry out a professional outcome.
Resource list: Camera woman 1 and 2, lighting woman, director, producer, sound engineer, two characters, video camera. A set time without being in a rush. No real props needed apart from bus ticket.
Justification of ideas in relation to chosen genre and existing texts
To reflect how time passes away in the film, we will fast-forward some of the footage whilst people are walking past in the mise-en-scene whilst keeping the main character perfectly still. The character Sam wil be quite a cool, loud good looking guy. Lisa is more fragile and shy. She acts as though she has a secret. Sam likes this and seems very interested. We will be using detail on how people interact with one another without using so much dialogue, paying special attention to eye contact and pace of movement in the film.
Strengths: Knowing the characters, location is local having the correct amount of time. Not needing so many props using natural settings. We can visit there before and make notes on more ideas.
Weaknesses: Not knowing if the people in our group have been provided the correct roles and so we all have to work together on this one. The weather could also be an issue since we will be filming outside so will be more of an inconvenience if it rains/snows or is very cold.
Conclusion: I think our film will work well making sure we are organized and have researched adequately in preparation to film.
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